Upcoming Events

Bird Outing at Ausable Point Campground
Spring migration is a fun time to be out birding as you never know what you might find! Birders of all experience levels are welcome. We will walk through the campground looking for early spring migrants. We will also look out on Lake Champlain for waterfowl.

Introduction to Merlin and eBird Mobile Apps
Description: These free classes are for novice birders who want to learn how to use the Merlin Bird ID app and the eBird mobile app.

Bird Outing at Heyworth-Mason Park
Join trip leaders Betsy Miner, Mar Bodine, and Ken Adams for a trip around Heyworth-Mason Park that includes open fields and forest along the Little Ausable River.

Bird Outing at Crown Point State Historic Site
The walk will cover approximately 2 miles during peak spring migration. We’ll look for songbirds, waterfowl, shorebirds and raptors along the shores of Lake Champlain.

Bird Outing at Rugar Woods
Explore this hidden birding gem behind the SUNY Plattsburgh Field House. This walk will traverse the forested and wetland habitats along the Saranac River above the Imperial Mills Dam.

Boreal Birding at California Road and Vicinity
Explore several great, seldom visited, birding locations with excellent views that reveal the character of the landscape. Each stop will include a short hike into a spot where we will open our camp chairs to bird in place for 20-30 minutes.
Photo of Alder Flycatcher by Larry Master

Cape May, New Jersey Spring Birding Trip
Cape May county, in the southern tip of New Jersey, forms a unique cape that sticks out into both the Delaware Bay and Atlantic Ocean. Its location lends itself to incredible migrations of birds in spring and fall. Come join Brian McAllister as he guides us through the amazing birding hotspots of Cape May, NJ, from early morning until dusk.

Bird Outing at the Vanderwhacker Mountain Trail
After nearly five years closed, Moose Pond Club Road bridge has been repaired and the road is now open! We will hike the first mile (nearly level terrain) on the Vanderwhacker Mountain Trail in mixed forest, and along the wetlands for half the hike (so two miles round-trip).

Bird Outing at Grasse River Wilderness Preserve
This field trip is co-sponsored between Northern New York Audubon and Northeast Wilderness Trust. Join Janelle Jones, NY Land Steward, for a walk through deciduous forests, past beaver wetlands, and alongside wild stretches of the Grasse River.

Great Adirondack Birding Celebration
The GABC will be managed for the first time by Northern NY Audubon! The celebration is designed to introduce birders of all ages and skill levels to the unique boreal bird species and habitats in the Adirondack Park. Check out our GABC page and Facebook for details. Hope to see you there!

Adirondack Boreal Birding Festival
The Adirondack Park in upstate New York is a bird-watching haven. In June, The Adirondack Birding Festival in Hamilton County celebrates the height of breeding season with 4 days of outings and presentations. Visit www.adirondackexperience.com for more information.

Grassland Conservation and Bird Research at Heaven Hill and the Uihlein Farm
Please join us and NYS OPHRP for a discussion on research conducted on historic lands by Dr. Michale Glennon.

Bird Outing at Point Au Roche State Park
Enjoy a morning of late winter birding with a walk along the lake! This walk will pass through several shrubby and forested habitats before reaching the tip of Long Point with its panoramic views of Lake Champlain.

Car-Birding in Jefferson Co. (Point Peninsula and Cape Vincent)
Join Mary Beth Warburton and Joan Collins for a car-birding trip in west-central Jefferson County including Point Peninsula and Cape Vincent.

Bird Outing at Bloomindale Bog
Join Betsy Miner and Mar Bodine for a birding walk at the Bloomingdale Bog!

Bird Outing at Point Au Roche State Park
Start your 2025 birding with a walk along the lake! This walk will pass through several shrubby and forested habitats before reaching the tip of Long Point with its panoramic views of Lake Champlain.

Christmas Bird Count - Saranac Lake
Contact: Steven Langdon at sflangdon@gmail.com
Note from coordinator: The Saranac Lake CBC is centered in Ray Brook and includes Lake Placid, Saranac Lake, and Bloomingdale.

Christmas Bird Count - Massena - Cornwall
Please contact Eileen Wheeler at eiwheeler@yahoo.com for more information.

Christmas Bird Count - Potsdam - Canton
Please contact Jeff Bolsinger at jsbolsinger@yahoo.com for more information.

“How to Love a Forest” with Ethan Tapper
Northern New York Audubon webinar: How to Love a Forest, with Ethan Tapper, author of the new book “How to Love A Forest”.

Christmas Bird Count - Plattsburgh
Contact: Michael Burgess, michael.b.burgess@plattsburgh.edu
Note from coordinator: The count is centered near the Plattsburgh International Airport, and the circle includes a portion of the western shoreline of Grand Isle, VT, plus numerous exceptional birding hot spots.

Christmas Bird Count - Ferrisburg, Vermont
Contact: Stacy Robinson at maplemeadows@hotmail.com
Note from coordinator: The Ferrisburg, Vermont CBC circle includes portions of New York’s shorelines south of Westport and north to Whallon’s Bay in Essex. It’s comprised of rural roads, woods, and farmland criss-crossed with Champlain Area Trails (CATS). Highlights often include waterfowl, raptors, and wintering songbirds. The circle includes the well known Magic Triangle in Essex offering habitat for field birds like Snow Buntings and Horned Larks. During daylight hours we’ll search for Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks or Northern Harriers. But at dusk and dawn we can often find Short-eared Owls out hunting. We will meet at the Westport Boat Launch at 7:30 am.

Christmas Bird Count - Elizabethtown
Date: Saturday, December 14, 2024
Contact: Betsy Miner at 518-651-5527, corgiforest@gmail.com or Mar Bodine at 518-651-1224, marbo59@verizon.net
New birders welcome, Compilation dinner to be decided later.

Snow Goose Migration Watch
Join members of Northern New York Audubon to watch thousands of Snow Geese on the Rec Park water. It is a spectacle you don't want to miss.

Bird Walk at Ausable Point
Join Ken Adams and Betsy Miner as we bird along the road leading into the campground, the marsh overlook, and out onto Lake Champlain. Fall migration is a fun time to be birding as you never know what you might find! Birders of all experience levels are welcome.

Cape May, NJ Field Trip
We will try to repeat our great birding experience this fall but with slightly different bird species. This 5 day/4 night trip will introduce you to the incredible fall migration that is Cape May!

Bird Walk at Crown Point State Historic Site
Enjoy a fun morning of birding at one of our premier hotspots in the Champlain Valley.

Bird Walk at Lake Alice WMA
Join Ken Adams and Betsy Miner at one of Clinton County's birding hotspots, nearly 150 bird species have been recorded here. There is a wide variety of habitats including open water, marsh, field, shrub meadow and mixed forest.

Getting Started with eBird Mobile App
Come join us at the Plattsburgh Public Library to learn how to use the eBird mobile app! Learn about how to view local bird observations by time period, checklist leaders, species leaders, and customizing checklists.

NNYA Annual Outing
Join Us for Our Annual Outing!
Kick off the day with birding on Long Point and stay for an informative lunch session. No registration is needed, and beginners are always welcome!

A Bird Walk on the Historic Northville-Placid Trail
The 138-mile Northville-Placid Trail is celebrating its 100th Anniversary in 2024! Join Joan Collins for a bird walk on a section of this historic trail!

Getting Started with eBrid Mobile App
Join us at the Plattsburgh Public Library on Wednesday, September 4th to learn how to use the Merlin mobile app! Bring your mobile device and make sure you have the app downloaded with your username and password ahead of time.

Wanakena Mushroom Foray and Potluck
Join us at the Plattsburgh Public Library on Wednesday, September 4th to learn how to use the Merlin mobile app! Bring your mobile device and make sure you have the app downloaded with your username and password ahead of time.

Getting Started with Merlin Mobile App
Join us at the Plattsburgh Public Library on Wednesday, September 4th to learn how to use the Merlin mobile app! Bring your mobile device and make sure you have the app downloaded with your username and password ahead of time.

Railbed Wetlands and More
Join Joan Collins for a birding walk on a railbed through wonderful wetlands and forests! The old railbed travels along Vanderwhacker Brook with fascinating marshes and ponds (and interesting plants!). This field trip is jointly sponsored by Northern New York Audubon and the Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department.

Shaw Wetlands and Sabattis Circle Road
Join Joan Collins on this exciting birding trip into the William C. Whitney Wilderness Area north of the Town of Long Lake. This field trip is jointly sponsored by Northern New York Audubon and the Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department.

3rd Thursday Walk - Point au Roche State Park
Point au Roche State Park is one of Clinton County’s birding hotspots; more than 180 species have been recorded on the eBird list for the Park. Ken Adams, and possibly others, will lead this bird walk. Birders of all experience levels are welcome

Adirondack Lake and Cedar River
Explore the back side of Adirondack Lake and a portion of the Cedar River for warblers, thrushes, loons, flycatchers etc.

Flat Rock and Cobblestone Hill
Visit wetlands, hardwood forests, and abandoned dams as we look for whip-poor-wills at dusk and other species. Birders of all experience levels welcome.

Field Trip - Crown Point State Historic Site
Please join Stacy Robinson for a guided bird walk on this beautiful property in the midst of migration.

Exploring Fort Drum with Fort Drum Biologists and the University of Maine's Vermivora Field Crew
Join us for a morning field trip as we venture into Fort Drum's expansive and dynamic breeding bird habitats. This trip will delve into Fort Drum impressive breeding bird diversity, and ongoing research efforts focused on Golden-winged and Blue-winged Warbler hybridization.