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Boreal Birding at California Road and Vicinity

Explore several great, seldom visited, birding locations with excellent views that reveal the character of the landscape.

Each stop will include a short hike into a spot where we will open our camp chairs to bird in place for 20-30 minutes. Our first stop will include a couple of vistas that overlook an alder marsh that borders boreal coniferous and spruce bog habitats. Our second spot will include a 0.4 mile hike to an expansive beaver meadow bordered by the cliffs of the backside of Titusville Mountain. Species encountered here may include Black-backed Woodpecker, Canada Jay, Nashville Warbler, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Winter Wren, Alder Flycatcher, and many others. In all, expect to cover 2-3 miles of trail that is easy to moderate difficulty on foot. Trip duration approximately 5 hrs.

Bring: Bug protection, hiking boots, hat, sunscreen, binoculars, water, snacks and a light folding chair that you can carry up to 0.4 miles.

To Register: Contact Rich Hanlon or 412-992-6648.

Limited to 12 participants.

Meeting Location: Gather at the south end of California Road where it intersects with Rt. 27. There is no official parking lot, but plenty of space to park on the side of California Road. Starting at the intersection of Route 30 and Route 86 in Paul Smiths, drive north on Rt 30 for 17.3 miles. Turn right onto Rt 26 for 4.1 miles, bear left, and follow Rt 27 for 2.7 miles. California Road will be on your left.

GPS Waypoint: 44.677979,-74.198505.

May 10

Bird Outing at Rugar Woods

May 18

Cape May, New Jersey Spring Birding Trip