Citizen Science
What is Citizen Science?
Citizen Science is when the public voluntarily participates in the scientific process. There are different ways one can get involved with Citizen Science. Take a look below to learn about a few ways you can take part in Citizen Science!
“eBird began with a simple idea—that every birdwatcher has unique knowledge and experience. Our goal is to gather this information in the form of checklists of birds, archive it, and freely share it to power new data-driven approaches to science, conservation and education. At the same time, we develop tools that make birding more rewarding. From being able to manage lists, photos and audio recordings, to seeing real-time maps of species distribution, to alerts that let you know when species have been seen, we strive to provide the most current and useful information to the birding community.”
I Naturalist
Photo courtesy of National Audubon Photography Team
“Contribute to Science
Every observation can contribute to biodiversity science, from the rarest butterfly to the most common backyard weed. We share your findings with scientific data repositories like the Global Biodiversity Information Facility to help scientists find and use your data. All you have to do is observe.”