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Flat Rock and Cobblestone Hill

  • 1043 Slosson Road West Chazy, NY, 12992 United States (map)

Location: Meet at Parker Family Maple Farm, 1043 Slosson Road, West Chazy, 12992. We will caravan (and carpool if desired) on Barnaby Road 1.2 miles and park at Miner Institute’s gate. This road surface is sand and gravel.

This property, owned by the W.H. Miner Research Institute, is the southeastern corner of the jack pine sandstone pavement barren, adjacent to the red oak-northern hardwood forest on cobblestone hill. We will also visit a fen wetland in the abandoned dam and an oak-hemlock riparian forest. Nighthawks will begin aerial display at dusk and whip-poor-wills can be heard after dark. Birders of all experience levels are welcome. Group size limited to 12. Priority given to members of Northern New York Audubon.

To Register: Email, call (518)569-2855, or email

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Field Trip - Crown Point State Historic Site

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Adirondack Lake and Cedar River