Join us May 30th to June 1st for the Great Adirondack Birding Celebration!
The Adirondacks are a vast, six-million-acre wilderness in upstate New York, offering some of the most spectacular natural landscapes in the Northeast. As the southernmost reach of the great northern boreal forest, the region features dense spruce-fir woodlands, remote bogs, and rugged mountain peaks, creating a unique blend of northern and temperate ecosystems. This makes the Adirondacks a critical breeding ground for many boreal bird species typically found much farther north, including Bicknell’s Thrush, Canada Jays, Black-backed Woodpeckers, and even Boreal Chickadees. Unlike a national park, the Adirondacks combine protected public lands with small communities, striking a rare balance between conservation and human presence. With its pristine lakes, winding rivers, and rich biodiversity, this extraordinary landscape is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, wildlife lovers, and birders seeking a deep connection to nature.
All day birding trips depart from the VIC at 7:30am, pre-registration required.
Half day birding trips from 7am - Noon, various departure locations, pre-registration required.
Birding Celebration at the Paul Smith’s VIC
Morning activities
- Birding on the deck all morning
– Food trucks available on site (more details to come)
Afternoon activities
- Birding on the deck
- eBird essentials workshop – time TBD
1 pm – 3 pm Adirondack Raptors live bird presentation with Mark Manske
3:30 pm - 4 pm Luke Tyrrell, Ph.D. - Plattsburgh State University, Whip-poor-wills, do-ing-well: the Northern New York bird community of a globally rare habitat
4:15 pm – 4:45 pm Susan Willson, Ph.D., Saint Lawrence University, How do we protect songbirds in human-dominated landscapes?
Free Walks, Time TBD
Tree identification for birders walk
Plants and Insects walk
Birding trips depart at 7am from various locations, pre-registration required.
History of the GABC
In 2003, HPAS board member Brian McAllister conceived of the Great Adirondack Birding Celebration, a three-day festival featuring field trips, workshops, lectures and other activities that HPAS (High Peaks Audubon Society) organized with the staff of the Paul Smiths VIC. The Celebration has taken place every year since and attracted visitors from all over the United States and Canada hoping to see the signature Adirondack boreal bird species, such as Bicknell’s Thrush, Boreal Chickadee, Canada Jay and Black-backed Woodpecker.
The Celebration’s keynote speakers have included Dr. Frank Gill, Lang Elliott, Dr. Bridgette Stutchberry, Dr. Peter Mara, Scott Weidensaul, Dr. Sara K. Morris, Noah Stryker, Richard Crossley, Miyoko Chu (Cornell), David Bird (McGill University), Kevin McGowan/Kim Corwin (Cornell, NY BBAtlas), Michael Burger (Audubon NY), Jeff Wells (Boreal Songbird Initiative), Dan Lambert (VT Center for Ecostudies/Bicknell’s), Dr. Kyle Horton (Colorado State University, https://birdcast.info/).